Case Studies

SIP, established in 1983, has investigated over 50,000 cases with phenomenal successful results for our clients. With the high volume of cases, as well as for confidentiality reasons, we have selected just a few cases as they have been published in the media or we have the client’s consent to serve as a general guide to our capabilities.

Case #1

Involved in a major investigation and intelligence operation related to ‘Raider Attacks,’ which resulted in the misappropriation of the client’s shares in a Moldavian Bank. Our investigation identified the perpetrators, the complex infrastructure of offshore entities, evidence of falsified documentation, and the names of corrupt government officials associated with the crime. Due to our investigation, the client recovered their shares in the bank and millions of euros.

Case #2

We were approached by a client facing extortion demands for US $100 million based on a threat to disclose private information publicly. Our cyber forensics, complex intelligence gathering, and covert surveillance operation led to the identification of the three racketeers involved. We worked with an international law firm to formulate a legal strategy that included a settlement agreement. The extortionists were prohibited from disclosing information and had to allow access to their residence and office to search and seize all material relating to the client. We organised secret dawn raids on their homes simultaneously. Each extortionist was given the option to cooperate with us, or we would hand over our investigation file to the police. They signed a settlement agreement and were paid a nominal €1,000 contractual sum. Our continued forensics of all seized data storage devices protected the client long-term against repeated threats.

Case #3

Our investigation focused on a UK property development company that targeted clients in the Middle East, resulting in substantial financial losses due to fraudulent property ownership claims. Our extensive investigations revealed that the mastermind behind the fraud was previously involved in a £300 million property scam. We identified that the client’s funds were fraudulently transferred through entities in the UK and offshore tax havens.

Case #4

SIP was retained in a high-net-worth matrimonial financial settlement case where the husband concealed assets globally through a complex network of crossed jurisdiction offshore entities and granted power of attorney to an associate. Our investigation, involving cyber intelligence, forensic accountancy, and several months of surveillance, uncovered over £80 million in assets. As a result, our client secured a judgment of £20 million, the UK matrimonial home, and other financial benefits such as legal costs, maintenance, and interest on the judgment. The solicitor and head of chambers praised our expertise and report, stating that the results achieved would not have been possible without our assistance.

Case #5

We were engaged in an international investment fraud scam case where a client suffered losses of over $500,000. Our cyber investigations and undercover operations revealed that the fraudsters were in Dubai. We worked closely with the Dubai Police and organised a pretext meeting that resulted in the arrest of several Nigerians involved in defrauding hundreds of millions of innocent people.

Case #6

A UK solicitor sought our assistance in securing evidence for the defence of their client, the owner of a bonded warehouse, charged with illegally importing over 20 kilos of cocaine and other contraband. Our review and evaluation of the evidence, cross-referenced with the client’s statements and subsequent comments relating to his activities, identified several avenues that warranted further extensive investigations. This included a detailed analysis of mobile phone call logs, mobile network cell site forensic analysis, and reconstruction of alleged events leading up to and during the raids on the bonded warehouse. We secured witness statements and other substantial evidence that ultimately led to the Court finding the client ‘not guilty’.

Case #7

SIP handled a case of extortion demand for US $20 million against a high-net-worth individual threatened with public disclosure of their private life. The client was reluctant to involve law enforcement agencies due to concerns about media leaks. Our objective was to secure evidence against the suspected perpetrator and ascertain if they acted alone or had an accomplice. Through cyber forensics and covert surveillance, we gathered sufficient evidence to confirm the suspect’s involvement. However, it was discovered that the suspect’s husband was the actual instigator of the extortion. SIP worked with a law firm the client instructed to prepare a settlement agreement that prohibited information disclosure and allowed access to the perpetrators’ residences and seizure of all relevant material. Following the seizure, SIP continued to undertake forensic analysis of the data storage devices to provide long-term protection to the client.

Case #8

On instructions from a bank, SIP was involved in investigating the well-known case of Foutanga Dit Babani Sissoko, who defrauded the Dubai Islamic Bank of over US$240 million. Our investigation led to the tracing of millions of USD in various bank accounts linked to the perpetrator and identifying assets purchased from the proceeds of the fraud worldwide, including private aircraft, property, and other valuable assets.

Conclusion: These cases exemplify SIP’s capabilities and expertise in conducting global investigations. Regardless of the nature of the investigation, clients can trust SIP to achieve their objectives effectively and efficiently.

You need an investigation.